Zambia's Cafe Flat benefits from the protection of the ecosystem and strengthening the community resilience, which has the benefits of two climate adaptation and wild biological protection projects. Ranford Simmbwe, a proxy, announced at a verification meeting held in Lusaka, emphasized the urgent need for an initiative. The project (Kaf-Adapt and Kaf-Wild) is funded through global environmental facilities (GEF), focusing on climate recovery, conservation of biodiversity, and sustainable lives.
WWF Zambia will manage implementation in cooperation with Green Economy, Tourism Ministry, and International Crane Foundation. WWF Zambia Country Director Narcha Jiva praised the government's efforts to secure funds under the GEF, but Simmubewe aims to promote people, livestock, and wildlife coexistence. I pointed out. This Initiative, which has been supported by local leaders and major stakeholders, enhances Zambia's sustainable land management and climate adaptation, and secures the preservation of caffe flats for future generations.
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Source: Effective News