As a 737 Operator, Southwest Airlines is an important customer for Boeing. The US airframmer works to create a higher rate of the signed narobo devilet.
The major US airline depends on the maximum delivery of 737 to enable fleet planning reduced by both intentional deceleration in the production struggle of Boeing and the drastic financial revival plan. I am doing it.
Southwest's all -year investor guidance predicts the maximum delivery of 38 737, but the number of contracts requires 136 Boeing Jet in 2025.
The actual number of delivery may probably be beyond the estimation of Southwest, but the boeing contract duty is considerably reduced.
“We don't intend to get 136 aircraft,” said Bob Jordan, the highest executive officer, in the company's revenue call. “But I believe that Boeing is more than 38 this year, and I believe that in the next few years, there will be many opportunities for Boeing to do a lot of transactions.”
Jordan recently met a Seattle Boeing leadership team and said, “I was encouraged by the procedure (and) slacks from the system, which I saw in the line process.”
“They have a long way to go, but we can hold something we don't know, and we can go up to 50-55 over 38,” says Jordan. “It is certainly helpful to execute a fleet strategy.”
After reducing the expectations for March to 79, Southwest took only 22 aircraft in 2024.
Boeing's 737 production program was significantly confused last year. At first, he jumped out of the 9 maximum torso of 737 operated by Alaska Airlines, and later jumped out by an inconvenient mechanical union strike that stopped producing the Seattle area aircraft.
However, the U.S. Air Force states that the Federal Aviation Bureau is preparing for a 737 production hiking this year, with the goal of exceeding the 38 narrow BODY aircraft required.
“I would like to get 38 approval this year and reach 42 this year,” said Boeing's Cellye Autberg, the Cellya Autberg on January 28.
SOUTHWEST hopes to arrive up to 8 of 737 to replace the old 737-800.
In fact, according to the highest finance officer Tammy Romo, especially the 737-800s, 737-800, it is currently selling “excessive” aircraft.
On January 7, the company based in Dallas carried out sales leaseback transactions, including 36 of the 737-800, along with the lender's Bab Cock & Brown Aircraft.
Romo says that Southwest is actively considering the additional 10 737-800 sales. This matches the long -term “fleet monetization” strategy of Southwest, including both aircraft sales and sale leaseback transactions.
The company plans to retire 51 aircraft this year and operate the entire fleet by 2031.
“You can do this strategy as you can provide more Boeing,” says Jordan.
SOUTHWEST's fourth quarter profit was significantly improved compared to $ 252 million losses in the same period in 2023, with a loss of $ 252 million.
However, the company's earnings were $ 400 million, almost accurate to the 2023 mark.