Ryan Air has discarded a flight to a destination in Europe, which has been underrated for new taxes.
The airline will no longer transport passengers with AALBORG to Denmark's new air taxation.
They mean 50DKK (£ 5.57) for all tourists leaving the country. This is paid by the airline.
The route from Stansted Airport will be discarded next month. The sun reports that this is the only direct route from the UK.
Ryan Air calls the Danish government's decision “myopia.” The airline added: “Denmark is one of the few EU countries that have only 95 % of the 2019 levels and have not yet collected traffic before Cobid.
“This harmful air tax is compared to competing EU countries such as Hungary, which abolishes air taxes to promote competing EU countries such as Sweden, Italy, and Hungary to promote air taxes. Denmarks (especially local airports) are desperately impractful, and further damage to Denmark, and economy.
This is a pity for British people because Earlvolg is said to be the best place for a relatively unknown visit. The town, once home to buffet, is very different today.
Now, there is a lively student atmosphere with many cafes, bars and restaurants to visit.
Aging warehouses and industrial buildings are newly modified, providing past hints and all important Instagram materials.
CONDE NAST TRAVELER recommends dining in a modern Nordic restaurant, a modern Nordic restaurant, which is provided by Copenhagen, the capital of the expensive Denmark.
Denmark's Jorn Wuzzon, a designer of Sydney's opera house, is holding its own exhibition at the Uzon Center. AALBORG is also famous for providing food at stalls and is sold at a reused original furniture factory.
This is a permanent street market and named the visitor.
The local hangout is known as a lighthouse. In addition to trying out the outdoor pool of AALBORG HAVNEBAD, there is also a concert at a future music house.
Nearby is the 16th -century A Alborgas Castle, where the Ear Volg History Museum talks about the 1,000 -year history of the town.
According to Booking.com, traveling from London to AALBORG costs £ 76.77 for travelers. The average round -trip flight is £ 482.
Experts say the most popular flight route is from Londonga Wick.
The hotel costs £ 78.53 per night. The average cost is 103 pounds per night.