January 21, 2025
15:00 – 17:00
More than 15 years after the adoption of the African Union Convention on the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention), a landmark treaty to address internally displaced persons in Africa, The number of people living as is increasing. The number has tripled to 35 million. IDMC convened ambassadors and representatives from 25 African countries and the African Union to present insights from its latest report, Internally Displaced Persons in Africa: Overview of Trends and Developments 2009-2023, and discuss its findings. We had a dialogue.
After opening remarks by His Excellency Aryeh Deng Ruay Deng, Permanent Ambassador of South Sudan to the United Nations and Chair of the African Ambassadors Group in Geneva, IDMC Director Alexandra Bilak introduced the report and its relevance, and The number of displaced people is increasing rapidly and the situation is by no means hopeless. From developing legal and policy frameworks to building national data systems to support informed decision-making, governments across Africa need appropriate international support to prevent and respond to internal displacement. , we are taking significant steps towards a resolution.
After the presentation, more than half of the participants asked IDMC questions about collecting quality data, sharing good practices, and integrating internal displacement with other relevant policy issues such as sustainable development, climate action, and disasters. provided feedback to IDMC focusing on the value and challenges of Risk Mitigation, Financing Needs and Opportunities.
15:00 Welcome speech by His Excellency Arie Deng Luai Deng, Permanent Ambassador of South Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva and Chair of the African Ambassadors Group, including an introduction to the agenda.
15:05 Opening remarks by IDMC Director Alexandra Virak.
15:15 IDMC Global and Regional Analysis Manager Vicente Anzellini presents the key findings of the 4th report on internally displaced persons in Africa.
15:40 Tour de Tables and Q&A.
16:50 Closing remarks by Alexandra Virak.
16:55 Closing remarks by His Excellency Aryeh Deng Luay Deng, Permanent Ambassador of South Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva and Chair of the African Ambassadors Group.