The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has published its latest travel advisory list, warning British tourists to avoid 54 countries due to safety concerns, with a number of African countries featured.
The list includes 11 countries where the government advises against all travel, and 19 other countries with areas to avoid.
The countries the government advises against traveling to are Chad, Niger, Libya, Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Mozambique.
Destinations where it is unsafe to visit include Algeria, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Tunisia, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Angola, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Benin. , including Togo. , Ghana, and Ivory Coast.
Nine countries were newly added to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' red list: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Iran, Sudan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Mayotte, and New Caledonia.
However, Jonny Bielby, founder of Wild Frontiers, offers a different perspective, saying: “The world may seem like a more dangerous place, but it's worth remembering that 24/7 news brings you the latest information from troubled regions, especially the Middle East, every hour. Statistically speaking, British travelers are significantly less likely to cause harm almost anywhere in the world. ”
Jonny stresses that it is still important to follow government guidance. “Government advice is just advice and should definitely be taken seriously and be aware that it may impact on travel insurance, but travelers should be prepared to take an acceptable risk.” is different. ”
Expressing his view, Mr Bielby said: “We recognize that the FCDO has a difficult job assessing risk. Sometimes we feel they get it right, and sometimes we feel they are too cautious. “It's always impossible to please everyone, and we understand the problem.” The dangers of traveling against FDCO recommendations and why people may want to avoid doing so Additionally, there are still countless great destinations that are not recommended for travel, including Guatemala, Oman, and Kyrgyzstan. Cambodia to name a few. ”