Aviation controller audio acquired by CNN from LiveAtc.net will shoot at the moment when asking a helicopter to see if the PSA airline has a commercial flight.
An Air Commoner said, “Can you see Pat 2-5 CRJ?”
Later, the controller stated that “PAT 2-5 passes behind CRJ.”
An additional air traffic control audio just before the collision captures a helicopter pilot, says, “Pat 2-5 can see aircraft and demand visual separation.”
In less than 13 seconds, the audio captured the audio, including a large background from the tower, at the moment of the crash.
Later, the tower warned that it had occurred in another pilot.
“I don't know what happened before, but there was a collision at the end of the 3-3 approach. If you want to return to the gate, we'll be for an indefinite future. I strongly recommend the runway 33 with the intention of closing the operation.
The audio also revealed that another pilot had seen the case and had confirmed it with an air control officer.
Another pilot said, “Yes, we were in a short final, so we saw flare from the opposite side of Potmax.”
The approach controller later, “Both aircraft are clearly related to the river, and search and rescue are on progress.”
Many other aircraft planned to detour to other airports after the incident due to the stopping flight at DCA.
This story was updated with additional information.