The data from the Transportation Bureau's Statistics Bureau has confirmed that flight is the safest transport mode in the United States. The aviation industry gives priority to safety by studying strict investigations, past accidents, and conducting a redundant system on aircraft. They are safe by complying the seat belt signs and following the instructions of the flight crew.
Flying is the safest transport mode in the United States, and is not even closer to the data of the Statistical Bureau of the Transportation Bureau. That's what I always write and talk as an air reporter, what does that mean? How and why is it so safe? And how does it compare with other transport mode?
You can see that many people are asking these questions. “Are you flying safely?” On a daily basis, one of the most searched travel -related questions.
rest assured. But if you want to ask exactly how safe it is and how the aviation industry has made it, read it.

Is flight safe?
Yes, very. Especially at a US commercial airline.
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In the 2024 transportation statistics report from the Transportation Statistics Bureau, the empty journey is identified as an absolute safe transport form.
“All mode transport cases were 44,546 lives in 2022, of which 2,032 were involved in highway cars. The preliminary estimate in 2023 was the dead. It suggests a further decrease, “says the report. “In 2023, there was no death due to CRASH drop in a large commercial airline, but hundreds of deaths occurred due to CRASH drops of general air, commuting, and aviation taxi services.”
The safety record is a bit of the universe overseas, but the most common destination for US travelers such as Western Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania has the same powerful air safety record. According to the International Aviation Transport Association around the world in 2023, 72 people died, as only one fatal commercial aircraft CRASH was dropped. In the North American, Asia -Pacific region, and European regions, commercial flight mortality was about 0.5 per million flights, but in the Latin America and Caribbean, 4.5 people died per million. According to IATA, 2023.
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How was flying so safe?
The aviation industry is very good for learning and improving from the error.
“One of the aviation community is actually learning from past experiences and past accidents,” Jim Brauchle, a Motley Rice aviation lawyer, told me. “FAA is implementing or tired to implement many programs that do not have any effect on such a problem.”
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating all the United States aviation accidents, is also a party to many overseas surveys, and the industry is seriously receiving safety recommendations.
Through my annual reports on airlines, the executives always emphasized that they would compete with other airlines for amenities, schedules, prices, and other numbers, but they were not safe. In that respect, airlines, manufacturers, and other industries stakeholders cooperate with the common mission of flying as much as possible.
BRAUCHLE said that the members of the Diet and the Federal Aviation Bureau are working on the industry smoothly for safety.
“Everything is very regulated,” he said. “If you use an aircraft, there are so many redundant systems. If you have any mistakes, there is usually a backup. Today's technology is much better.”

What role does passengers play in the safety of the airline?
Flying is very safe, but not completely risky.
In particular, as the turbulence becomes more and more intense, it is more important to listen to the flight crew when observing the sign of the seat belt and recommending a buckle up even if the sign is turned off. is.
As I wrote earlier, it's the easiest and best way to prevent some of the most common and most difficult to predict.
The cabin crew is there for your safety
In relation, it is important to keep in mind that the main job of flight attendants is to keep the travelers safer and not to provide drinks.
“Customer service was a day training of eight weeks,” said Rich Henderson, one of the two blogs on the plane. The rest focused on safety training and emergency answers.
How to keep flying more safely
For many years, there was no fatal case in major US airlines in the United States, but there are certainly close calls on Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max, which lost some of the central flight of the fuselage in early 2024. I am worried. Probably, many incidents have two airplanes approaching each other rather than permitted regulations.
Brauchle stated that many of these cases would come to the sales of air labor.
“I see that the full turnover rate is high not only in pilots but also in maintenance, air traffic control and manufacturing,” he said. Furthermore, as the on -board computer is more sophisticated, the new generation pilot is a more secure method, but in the case of a malfunction, it can lead to confusion.
“Some of our carriers say that young pilots have lost what we say is a stick and rudder skill.
Nevertheless, the flight remains very safe, but the industry watchers can maintain robust training and cooperation between stakeholders as standard to maintain their position as Venus from a safety perspective. It is important.
Zach Wichter is a travel reporter and writes a USA TODAY cruising advanced column. He is based in New York and can contact him at Zwichter@usatoday.com.