IMVELO Safari Lodges has promoted the treatment of 7,200 patients with recent smiles. This idea was born in 2011 around the camp fire and first began with a mobile dental safari, which first treated 1100 patients. In the latter half of 2024, 7,200 patients were treated in six days at six set -up clinics, of which five of them grew to a large multifaceted medical outreach, a tent signature mobile.
Precision and dentists, eyeglasses, support staff, cobling couts, and Imbello's enormous teams guarantee the success and support of this annual event.
One of the small stories that sang my heart was about the community wildlife protection unit cobling cout. They not only protect the community and other wildlife, but also help the community every day.
Since 2019, Cobra has been a part of our smile and has been watching. First, all visits, nurses and support staff are in the outreach of medical care, which is really shining in the sanctuary of rhinoceros and enjoying time with rhinoceros. Fit, powerful, agile, motivated, and huge every night, decompose the huge mobile mar key tent “Hospital”, load it on a truck, and move to the next site for the next morning to set it again.
Early in the morning, Cobra is a smooth running key to handle 1,000 patients every day. They support doctors and nurses who are holding records, help directly patients, help children and the elderly, and give oral hygiene to the scholars when a nurse takes a break. A cheerful greeting for friends and family, who is proud to move the table and chairs endlessly to the tent.
For a long time, all the aging and young in the district can recognize cobling couts, see smart uniforms and share pride with local heroes.
Details of this wonderful community's prosperity project: https: // E = 3708de665E