Some people may say that Glasgow does not have the same gravita as the capital of Eedinburgh in Scotland, but Fiona Witting travels to this lively city and studied as a student, and is more popular. I found a reason that deserves the same love as a sister city.
On a walking tour in the city, she met an American tourist. “Edinburgh is like Disneyland. Everything is for tourists, but Glasgow -there is a real city.”
Fiona couldn't agree more -she was studying as a student, but she admitted her prejudice.
She says: The locals knew that it was a really gorgeous neighbor's Edinburgh veil. “
On a Glasgow street mural tour, the guide caron couldn't agree anymore. She said: “Glasgow is full of unique charm, and of course people are wonderful.”
This tour is a description of the founder of Glasgow, and covers some impressive paintings that decorate a variety of buildings, like St. Mango, a supporter of a cedar who has Robin.
There are also two huge murals, Comedian Billy Conolly. Billy Konory welcomes the city. There is also one of the hugs in the air drawn by a rebel bear known as Glasgow's Banksy for a secret identity.
Because it was relatively new, it was the side of Glasgow that Glasgovefiona had never seen.
Another new aspect of Glasgow is a stunning river playback.
In the past, Clyde was world -famous for its shipbuilding abilities, but became negligible as the industry in the 1960s decreased.
Recently, bank banks have been renewed, and are now full of stylish flat and stylish flat.
To explore this, Fiona and her friend Beth rode on the RIB bone boat. She says: “This trip is a symbol of the Glasgow engineering heritage, which has not been used, and a modern” wave -like bridge that crosses the river of a pedestrian for a sluggish ZY S -shape. I spit out the past sights. “
After they returned to the land, they explored a museum along the river, a shrine of transportation and technology to celebrate the role of Glasgow in shipbuilding and engineering.
The building that opened in 2011 was designed by famous architect Dame Zaha Hadid, with a zigzag roof that emulates the front and waves of the glass.
Highlights contain a wall with full -size cars. For this, Rolls -Roys Phantom II, a straight -cobated street of old Glasgow, docked a cried tall ship outside.
With an appetite, the pair jumped into the hidden restaurant, a hidden restaurant with great food, friendly staff, and pleasant and unpretentious atmosphere.
Fiona states: “The menu is based on seasonal Scotland agricultural products, with smoked salmon, such as fish, crabs, sweet corn cakes, smoked salmon, smoked trout rillet, peashed beans and hamhuff (hook -equivalent Scotland) pancakes.
The main contains a deer saddle of Keagome Row, and a red galnard fillet with rangtin and caviar on shellfish bisque.
Believing in me, they were all as delicious as they could hear. “
They stayed in Radison Blue in the center of the city and were conveniently located near Chuo Station, which arrived by train.
“The trip is only four and a half hours from London, and 2 hours and 20 hours from Preston, where Beth joined me -I provide an hourly service. It certainly defeated driving.”
Just as both were studying in Glasgow, Beth and Fiona could not resist the Westend, the home of the University of Glasgow.
Fiona states: “The Gothic -style building of the university itself is said to be the inspiration of Hogwarts, but it has proved that the newly transformed Finnieston is a new jewel.
Once devastated, it is the home of art and craft studio, cafe, dockyard social, and a cool street food market dressed in baked mackerel with potato salad, chicken baopin and watermelon dialis.
Returning to the center of the city, this pair enjoyed a wonderful Scottish dish.
“The 22 stylish tables of Macanz Square Mall are chatting with friendly staff, pushing a plump and juicy shetland mussel with a delicious cider and shiracha soup, and using blackmaster and curry leaf potatoes. I put the pamphlide salmon with the silk -like silk curry sauce.
And I had the best tuna in Salad Nikowers in the Salad Nikowers, a wise France brasserie's wise France brasserie. I also handled shellfish tempura.
“The new and old, we had a wonderful taste of Glasgow's joy. Who should not return?”