Italy is one of the most visited countries in the world, but there is one city that is encouraged to leave tourists after being named “impossible”.
According to the Happiness Index, which is investigating many Europeans, Palermo, the capital of Sicily, has the most unfortunate residents in Europe.
Of the people who participated in this study, only 62 % of the people were satisfied with their lives in the city, and shocking 4 % believed that they could do good jobs in cities.
According to the survey, the residents say that the city is too large, and only 6 % of the respondents thought it was beautiful.
With all this information, tourists will avoid this place, but there is no further difference. A coastal destination is still a popular option among travelers.
TRIP ADVISOR warns tourists that Palermo is a “noisy, polluted, and dangerous place”. Users on the site also provide average reviews of two stars out of five.
One review states:
In the city, they added as follows.
However, Palermo was finally ranked in accordance with the EU Committee's request for a series of questions of the quality of life from 83 European cities.
At the top of the list, Zurich in Switzerland was chosen as the most desirable place to live in Europe, and most of the residents were satisfied with living in the city. Employment, public transport, health care, and temperament were functional.
But of course, as with most of my life, the happiest cities were the drawbacks. Most people stated that it was difficult to find affordable houses.
In response to the ranking, one states: “I'm surprised that Vienna is not listed on the list. One of the proud claims of the city council is that it is impossible to identify people's income from the address.” ''
Other cities in the top five contained Gloningen, Gwangzuk, Leipzig and Copenhagen.
Another addition: “I have never lived in Vienna, but I visited once in 1972.
Naples, Athens, Instanbul, and Tilana were additional cities that make up the bottom 5.