Belarushi's important date:
1918- At the end of World War I, Belarus has declared independence as a national Republic of Belarus.
1919 -Russian Red Army conquer Belarus and establish communism control.
1921 -The Liga Treaty divides Belarus between Poland and Sovietlosia.
1930s -Belarus is struggling with Purge, an intellectual and political opponent ordered by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. More than 100,000 people have been executed in Belarus, and thousands are sent to labor camps.
1941 -Nazi Germany invaded during World War II. More than 1 million people are killed during occupation.
1944 -Soviet Red Army drives Germans from Belarus.
The 1960s -Rocile policy entrusts Belarusi's language and culture to the second class.
1986-Belarus has been greatly affected by a fall of a nuclear explosion in Chernobyl in a nearby Ukraine. Approximately 20 % of the farmland is contaminated and cannot be used.
1988-The popular front of Belarus, formed as part of the revival of nationalists prompted by the political liberalization of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.
1990-Belarusi will be the official national language.
1991-Belarus declares its independence as the Soviet Union breaks up.
1994-Alexander Lukashenko fought against corruption and won the first presidential election in a campaign to re-establish a close relationship with Russia.
1995-Signed friendship and cooperation agreement with Russia, and referendums, Russian recovers Russian as a collaborative language and enhance the power of the president.
2001-Lukashenko has re-elected the president in an election that opponents and Western observers are non-democratic.
2004-The referendum has been changed, and the president will be able to exceed the previous restrictions of the two conditions. Opposition parties failed to get seats in the parliamentary election. Western observers say that voting is not free. Demonstrations collide with the police and dozens of people are arrested.
2004 -Eu extends the travel restrictions of high -ranking officials. The United States imposes sanctions.
2006-Lukashenko won the third election and was accused of being unfair in the western part. The EU imposes a visa ban on Lukashenko, a large number of ministers and officials.
He was defeated by Presidential candidate Alyaksandr Kazulin and was convicted of hooliganism and was found guilty of mass disability.
2008-Kazulin and the other two opposition groups were released from prison. One month after we do the same, the EU will unlock Lukashenko's travel ban to encourage democratic reforms.
2010 -lukashenko will win the fourth president's term in the voting riging claim. A large protest in Minsk has been forced to be divided by 600 arrests.
2011 -Eu revives Lukashenko's travel ban, freezes assets, imposes more strict financial management, and expands travel ban to highly officials.
The explosion at the Minsk subway station kills 15. Lukashenko claims a conspiracy by the 5th Colam Nist to make the country unstable. Two suspects are executed.
Opposition leader Andrey Sannikau has been imprisoned for five years to protest against the presidential election.
2012-Opposition activist Andrey Sannikau and Zmisser Bandarenka were released early in prison, but others remain in prison.
2014-Belarus is urging Russia to expand its troops in the Baltic Sea while Russia will expand the troops on its territory, as Russia's tension in the annexation of Russia is growing.
2015 -lukashenko has won the fifth presidential term.
2020 -A large protest after Luxushenko won the sixth presidential term. Opponents have stated that the elections were integrated.
2022 -Belarus allowed Russian Army to use its territory to launch an attack on northern Ukraine as part of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
2025-Lukashenko has won the seventh term of presidential against the opposition.