Sarara Wilderness, a newly released and experienced mobile camp, has been officially opened and has greeted the first guest in the New Year! This exciting addition will enlarge a portfolio with a wilderness experience that is more immersive.
In the wilderness of Sarara, we accept the thrill of various outdoor activities, including exquisite tents in the center of the wilderness, watching exceptional wildlife, genuine cultural encounters, and hiking in the bushes.
This truly special offer, which symbolizes the spirit of adventure, is not missed. Even if you fly overnight from one of Sarara's other eco lodges, you will already add many to an incredible itinerary! Check out the agent portal fee and pamphlet to see your magic.
6 tents two guide rooms separated Dining room, lounge area mobile plans pool and cold plunge machine location: Samble Eco System Host Lumimant Host: The Limity Capacity: 2 PAXs (4 PAXs Start based on guests) Maximum capacity: maximum capacity: 12 guests
Please come for yourself for those who have visited Kenya on a family trip this year!
Product resource
The SARARA Agent Portal allows you to use pamphlets, rate sheets, travel guides, and downloaded images. Bookmark: Update all year round. If you have any questions, if you need to support the ground arrangement, or if you need a tailored experience for guests, please contact us by e -mail.
For inquiries, please contact the reservation office (e -mail protection) or the Kenya Ground Handler designated by the company.