Washington (AP) –A collision 67 people were killed between the American Airlines passenger JET and the Army Helicopter near Washington DC, focusing on the federal agencies in charge of aerial disaster investigation.
Jennifer Homendy's Chairman of the National Traffic Safety Commission explains the crash survey as an agency's “All Hand -on Deck Events.”
What you need to know about NTSB is as follows.
What do agents do?
NTSB is an independent federal agency in charge of surveying all civilian air accidents in the United States, including other transport modes, including railway disasters, cars, marine ships, pipelines, and commercial space operators. is.
“We are here to ensure American people who do not turn the stones in this survey,” said Homendy. “We are thoroughly investigating the whole tragedy and seeing the facts.”
The agency has a five -year term, nominated as the President, and has five members of the Board of Directors confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
How does the survey work?
To the CRASH drop on Wednesday, NTSB has established several different working groups and is responsible for investigating various areas related to accidents. Ta.
Inman stated that these groups include operation and investigating the flight history and the duty of the crew. A structure that documented the debris of the aircraft and the accident site. A power plant focusing on aircraft engine and engine accessories. A system that studies the electrical, hydraulic, and air pressure components of two aircraft. Air traffic control that checks flight truck monitoring information including radar and controller Paelot communication. Survival factors that analyze the injuries of crew and passengers, drop crash and make rescue efforts. Helicopter group.
The survey also includes operations, air traffic control, and human performance groups, which are part of the helicopter group, studying the performances of crews and artificial errors such as fatigue, drugs and pharmaceuticals. , Training and workload, Inman said.
How long does the investigation take?
NTSB officials did not say how long it would take on Thursday, but it often took one to two years to complete the accident investigation.
Institutions usually publish preliminary reports within a few weeks after the accident, including the outline of the information collected on site.
What is the history of NTSB?
The history of NTSB dates back to 1926, when Congress was enacted to prosecute the U.S. Ministry of Commerce in an aircraft accident survey.
Founded in 1967 as an independent organization in the US Ministry of Transport, it was separated by Congress as a completely independent organization from other federal agencies in 1974.
Since its establishment in 1967, the agency has reported that it has been investigating more than 153,000 aviation accidents and incidents.
This story was updated to fix the spelling of Jennifer Home Dee's name.