Can I travel to Rwanda, Seishell, Gambia, and Benin without worrying about my visa? absolutely! These countries provide visa -free admissions to make traveling in Africa much easier. But how about Ghana? That's Jesus! The Ghana government has approved a new visa -free policy under President Nana Akafo Adood by early 2025.
And Kenya? Another big yes! In fact, Kenya has recently announced a new command to allow almost all African countries to enter without visa. The open border policy aims to support sightseeing, promote regional integration, promote trade across borders, and support the open ski agreement.
These changes show significant progress, but many African countries still impose severe visa requirements in African countries. This has long hindered free movements, economic collaboration, and deeper integration of the entire continent. Africa Development Bank (AFDB) explains that this restriction is one of the largest contradictions of African regional integration goals.
Vice President AFDB President NNENNA Lily Nwabufo emphasizes the need for urgent actions and said, “When AFCFTA is advanced, the local value chains are strengthened, and new opportunities are opened in the dynamic service sector The accompanying process and the expensive cost are the “African we want” as we have to disassemble. To achieve, you must deal with these barriers with urgency and creativity. “
Good news is that some progress is being made. The African visa open Ness index, which tracks the easily African citizens traveling on the continent, emphasizes important improvements.
In 28 % of the travel scenarios from countries in Africa, African citizens do not need a visa to cross the border, and have significantly improved in 2016. Evisa for Africans rose from nine countries in Africa (17 % of the continent) in 2016. 17 countries have improved their score since last year. Of the most advanced 10, six are in West Africa and the two are in East Africa.
The top 20 performers of nine people are low -income countries. Three of them are inland. In addition, the top 20 performers, nine, are middle -income countries. Low -income countries are still progressing.
The most visa -friendly African countries include Rwanda, Seishel, Gambia, and Benin, and Mauritania and Mauritius are ranked 9th, respectively.
Therefore, if you plan to explore Africa this year, you will see which destination spreads both hands and welcome you. It does not include visa headaches!
Function image by Gustavo Fring for Pexel