We are at a critical period in world history. About 70 years ago, much of Africa began marching for independence. Its independence was achieved in an established order and a world already deeply rooted compared to nascent African leaders.
Africa had to play a role in catching up. However, with its focus on leadership change in Washington and “America First,” the US is pulling back some of its operations on the continent.
USAID, the institution that America contributed to Africa's social development, is closed. The same applies to the voice of America, a broadcast network where American voices and opinions are projected into the world.
This has led to a surge in activity elsewhere in the world. Europe has been hind legs for a while and now it has stopped paying attention. They had no choice.
Since the end of World War II, when NATO was founded, Europe has remained safe in the knowledge that American nuclear power guarantees its peace.
As the US is rethinking this, the European government must rethink their security and perhaps their global status in a Brussels-centric operation.
The support provided by the US and Europe to Africa may have encouraged the development of bad habits on the continent. African governments remained safe knowing that the global north would pick up tabs rather than invest in social services.
These partners were left to provide water in villages, health services in urban villages in some countries, and urban anti-retroviral products. That's not the case anymore. We knew they could sue the North to curb the illicit political class that was denied visas as a strategy to get them to put together their governance.
The dollar and euro are not flowing at the moment. While the US cuts to what the US wants, Europe must cut back on support from needs and priorities to the South. Europe is building its defenses. Money is directed towards raising armory and building forces. It's dangerous to imagine. It is dangerous to bolden each building in a spatially small country in Europe, the factories of certain types of ammunition, and perhaps soon to bold each other.
Europe has a history of war. Technically, Africa is left to its devices.
Put your actions together without hoping to be able to fulfill one power over another by providing social services, securing borders and maintaining friendly neighbourhoods, as was the case before the Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago.
It is time for Africa to set up and occupy the spaces that are vacant by these forces. Power hates vacuum. If Africa does not rise rapidly, other forces lurk on the bystanders.
China has long completed its international existence through human-to-human diplomacy and through favourable philosophy. It can be imagined that there are resources to move quickly and define the future of the continent, and that many African countries are open to this.
After the study, the findings point to an improvement in China's view in Africa. There is growing praise for China's philosophy, leadership, commodities, and even greater interaction with the Chinese.
still. China's move to provide Internet access services comparable to parts of Elon Musk will increase interactions between Africa and the Asian giants. Think of other platforms that China can use: BRICS, The Belt and Road Initiative, Focac, and more.
China is not the only admirer. Russia is also waiting on its wings, and is already moving in West Africa. Research shows that Russia is in fact a major country with disinformation in Africa.
Africa must move and engage with other parts of the world at this moment of global power reorganization by defining this agenda and seeking collaboration that is beneficial to both sides using Chinese phrases. The introspective focus of America is opportunity.
– The author is the dean of the School of Communication at Daystar University