The woman and her best friend were left in stitching after a recent flight ride.
The two got themselves the entire plane while they were flying and couldn't believe it. Friends Natalie Wolfrey and Savannah Sargent were back home to Phoenix, Arizona, USA after visiting Salt Lake City for Natalie's bridal shower.
However, when they arrived at the airport and arrived at the Southwest Airlines staff, they couldn't believe it, but told them they were the only two people who had booked a seat on the plane holding the 173.
“He was very serious,” Natalie said. “How does it happen?” Savannah added in shock. The two, who shared what happened in the virus Tiktok, which was raked over 5.8 million views, said staff confessed it would “never happen.”
My best friend was excited to experience the private plane experience without paying a luxurious price tag. “I feel the VIP,” confessed Natalie. “I'm very excited to board this plane.”
Very few or no passenger flights will continue their journey as planned, in order to relocate the plane for future routes. They may also transport squadrons and cargo to their next departure location.
As they boarded, the shocked flight crew also joined in for fun. One flight attendant began hilariously with each announcement, looking directly at Wolfley's cameras, saying “Imperfect, Savannah and Natalie” via the PA system.
Best was pleased that he could do as loud as they had hoped, without disturbing the sleeping passengers. Natalie added: “We're going to hold the best yap session of my life. No one is going to hear us. We're 10,000 feet in the air and we're going to be vocal about what we want on this plane.”
Plus, my friends were able to sit in the cockpit and have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. They even managed to take a photo!
In response, the pilot joked: “They took over the aircraft.” And following her lucky day, Natalie added: “It was like the best experience of my life.
People left the Gobsmack after watching the video – and it's hard to believe the flight went ahead. One said, “I'm shocked that they didn't cancel it. It's symbolic.”
“To be honest, I'm yelling to Southwest to not cancel that flight,” another individual said.
“To be honest, this is much more realistic for me. I've always wondered why there are 174 people flying with me on a random Tuesday to Cincinnatti.”
The woman who works on the plane said, “As a flight attendant, I can say it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience!”
Others thought it was cute that the pair were sitting together despite having a row and row of seats for themselves. The NFL team's Philadelphia Eagles commented, “The fact that you're still in the same line.”
“I love the way you all had the whole plane and were still sitting in the same line,” another added.
Others say they are scared if this happens to them, and another writes: