LABA LABA has announced its new property, Laba Mama Simba, which opened on June 1, 2025, uniquely located in the core of North Dolly, the vast, harmless 700 hectares of property in Arusha, and is known for its Elland , Zebra, Wildebeest, Kudu and Impala live there. The gazelle roams freely. Rather than just an elegant stopover, the intimate and luxurious lodge with nine boutique accommodations offers a safari before the safari. There, guests wake up to the sounds of the wild and embark on an intimate encounter with herbivores in the free roaming “Plains Game.” Predator. The lodge pays tribute to Vicki de Cervera (1938-2015), a Spanish explorer known as “Mamasmainba” for her intense spirit and love for nature.