Donald Trump is preparing to ban people from 43 countries from going to the United States.
In another episode of the US president cracking down on immigration, he is working on a visit to the country.
Trump's next mission is to ban, limit and provide a 60-day threshold to address concerns about large groups of international countries, as he has already deported a significant number of people, including a 10-year-old girl recovering from brain cancer surgery.
The immigration proposal came after Trump confirmed on social media platform Truth Social that he gave a “good” speech with Russian president Vladimir Putin, who can see the peace agreement between the country and Ukraine after three years of invasion.

President Donald Trump plans to ban 43 countries (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)
The new order also looks at key Moscow allies under sanctions, as well as other conflict-filled countries on the list.
With people who are banned or restricted, others are said to have been said to have 60 days to address the flaws, or they continue to be on the list.
For countries listed in three separate groups, you can see below which list they are in.
List of countries that can be completely banned:
Everything is prohibited: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen.
Slightly restricted visas: Belarus, Eritrea, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Turkmenistan.
Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, Cango, Gambia, Gambia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Maritania, St. Kitts, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sunkits, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Sango, Vanuatu, and Zimbabwe.
Many of the countries on the list come from people allied with Russia, such as the Middle East and Africa, as well as North Korea and Belarus.
People in the suspension group can find that they cannot apply for tourists, student visas, and other visa status if they want to travel to the US.
People on the partial halt face similar issues if the government does not make an effort to address the flaws within 60 days, according to the memo.
However, this list has not yet been approved by the government and may change according to the New York Times.

Trump's list includes Russian allies and many Middle East and Africa (Getty Stock Images)
It was also reported that the majority of the country is the majority of Muslims, and is considered poor and corrupt.
The list is said to have been prepared by the State Department a few weeks ago and has been reviewed by the embassy and local departments.
The US president issued a warning last night when he spoke to the Department of Justice.
He states:
“But I think we are in pretty good condition, much better than where we were before we were involved.
“It was heading towards World War II territory. It would have been a war of unparalleled nature due to nuclear weapons and other types of weapons.”
He said: “I think we're doing well with Russia. We're talking to President Putin.