Although the UK sometimes feels like the darkest country, the sun is particularly limited on winter days. However, this is not the case in reality, with four countries being nominated as sunny. Top of the list of darkest countries is the Faroe Islands, which averages 840 hours of sunlight per year.
In contrast, the UK gains approximately 1,530 hours of sunlight per year. The Faroe Islands are actually an archipelago between Iceland and Scotland, which are part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Despite the darkness, these 18 islands still make great holiday destinations full of caves, walks and historic sites.
The capital, Trushaven, on Straymoy Island, in the heart of the archipelago, is known for its stunning Old Town and Tinganes, one of the world's oldest council buildings first used when it landed on the island in 825.
The island is also home to Tórshavn Cathedral, the second oldest preserved church in Fallows, founded in 1609. St. Olaf Church, the oldest church in Faroe, dates back to 1250, is also found on Straymoy Island.
On Calsoi, visitors can enjoy the scenic nature of these islands and take a hike to the lighthouse known as the “lighthouse at the edge of the world.” This is one of the most popular hiking routes on Fallow Island.
Tourists visiting Fallows can also hire cars to use undersea tunnels.
Secret London shares a list of the world's most sunniest and most cheerful countries, with Egypt being the sunnystanding top of the list, while the Faroe Islands are revealed to be the darkest, followed by Iceland, followed by St. Pierre and Michelon.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the UK will appear on the list of less sunny countries, fourth behind Ireland, fifth.
Countries with the least amount of sunlight
Fellow Island Sheathland St. Pierre and Michelon Nireland are Director of Kingdom Beldium, Guiny Vitzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Department of Science
The most sunshine country in the world
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