The operating company at London City Airport has called for permission to operate the Airbus A320NEO twin gets from the facility using specially approved flight procedures.
The airport has a characteristic sudden approach glide slope, and airlines usually use small models such as Embrael E-Jet and A220.
British Airways used to use A318 from the airport before, but they were composed of only 32 seats for the Atlantic crossing service.
However, airport operators have stated that in order to allow access to A320NEO, the British Civil Civil Air Remarks Authority will need to approve the required navigation permit (RNP AR) procedure.
In such a procedure, it is necessary to remain within the defined restriction and prove accurate navigation when the aircraft follows the entry route.
The RNP AR approach enhances flexibility not only by narrow flight routes with a narrow obstacle, but also by enabling curved approaches.
However, such an approach requires severe conditions, especially regarding the accuracy of the vertical guidance and the need for the crew to receive dedicated training.
Approval of RNP AR operation also requires operation safety evaluation to examine procedural design, aircraft's ability, crew, and external environments.
London City's glide slope is 5.5 °. The airline states that each aircraft model requires a rapid advancement, so the type of aircraft that can use the airport is “restricted.”
The planned RNP AR procedure states that “change the entry angle” to enable the landing of A320NEO.
Airport operators have stated that they are considering “several” glide slope angles, but they say that they are not planned to lower them to a 3 ° level used by commercial aircraft. 。
“In the early stages, the A320NEO operating company will be able to operate full of passengers,” said a spokeswoman at the airport. A320neo is usually composed of up to 180 seats, but can also approve 195 seats.
There is no immediate information about the A320NEO of A320neo, which operates outside the airport with a 1,500 meter runway.
However, Alison Fitzgerald's CEO said that the possibility of the introduction of A320NEO would “expand the range of leisure destinations”. She added that the airport could be expanded without increasing the number of aircraft travel.
Airport operators had previously tried to increase the number of flights by extending business hours, but only partially successful.
The operating company in London City said that it had submitted the RNP AR application to the Private Aviation Bureau.
The plan claims that airlines will encourage aircraft with higher fuel -efficient aircraft to modernize their equipment. The company has not disclosed whether a specific airline is interested in the plan, but a spokeswoman stated that “we are always dialogue with the airline.”