The cost of UK passports is going to rise again with another cost of living impact for holiday makers, the Home Office announced. Ministers agreed that in addition to the same 7% increase last year, the prices of key travel documents rose by 7%.
The fee for standard online passport applications made within the UK will increase from £88.50 to £94.50 for adults, and from £75.50 to £61.50 for children. Postal applications will go from 100 pounds to 107 pounds for adults and from 69 pounds to 74 pounds for children. International travelers who need to use passport office premium services will need to sort the booklet in one day, but will have to fork an additional £14.50 compared to the current cost of £207.50.
It hit hard-pending tourists, the government argued that the rates “will continue to move to a system in which home offices meet their costs through those using it, helping to reduce reliance on funds from general taxation.”
“The government is not making any profits from the cost of the passport application.”
The announcement states, “The fees contribute to the cost of processing the passport application, overseas consular assistance including lost or stolen passports, and the cost of processing British citizens at the UK border.”
The home office warned those who need a new passport to apply it “before travel.”
UK passport costs have risen effectively 142.7% since 1992, with overall inflation rising 116% over the same period.
The rise is subject to legislative approval by lawmakers.