The charming city of Yorkshire has lost its words from a former pub landlord. That's because even the most seasoned pub crawlers boast an incredible number of bars that they couldn't tackle on one visit. Beer lover Dale Harvey, 44, has visited thousands of pubs and documented his adventures on his YouTube channel.
Dale reveals that, prior to his visit, he arrived with “everyone big up mourley” and discovered the impressive town hall “the centre of a good looking town.” During the pub crawl, Dale and Holly were able to visit 19 impressive facilities, including Stomp Cross Inn, Halfway House, and The Truth Hurts Brewery and Tap. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to fit into every bar on their list, Dale said: “Really good small town. We have to do (the bar) road – looking forward to coming back.”
Dale said at the end of his visit: “Cheers Morley, it's an explosion and we'll soon be back and visit your other wonderful establishments.”
In addition to pub crawls, Dale is raising awareness of challenges within the pub industry and calling on the government to provide more support to these beloved facilities.
Speaking to Yorkshire Live, he said:
“Now we cannot go back or live in the past… The only government that can make a difference is the power of today.
“As expected, if the brewery business rate is hiking, you will need to charge the pub more for the beer.
“Then, if business rates are also hiking for pubs, it is the customers who have been hit with two rises in pint prices in already expensive markets.
“These business rate hikes cannot occur, otherwise they will be the last claws among many pub cos.”
Dale also sought greater support from large pub companies.
“The fact that pubs are closed every day is spending more money than a day trading open.”
Great British Pub Crawl has made waves on YouTube and boasts more than 15,000 subscribers.
Dale's recent pub visits include Holmferth, Briguus, Hebden Bridge and Dewsbury.
On Dewsbury, he said it was “not as bad as people made it.”