The flight attendant explained why travelers shouldn't applaud when the plane lands.
It is common for some passengers to applaud when landing as a sign of gratitude or relief, but flight attendants have revealed why good-willed gestures have not had the desired effect in Tiktok
“Some passengers applaud when they land, but I don't recommend it,” says Barbara Bacilieri. She pointed out that the pilot wouldn't listen to applause because the cockpit door blocked the noise.
She also lists several other reasons not to applause, including potential safety accidents and unexpected issues that may occur after a landing.
Posting under @barbiebac on the steering wheel, Argentine cabin crew members have seen applause as a way to release tensions during flight or express gratitude after a difficult landing, but adds that it is best to wait until the plane is stopped completely.
“Until that moment, there can be unexpected situations,” she warned, noting that events such as brake failures, emergency reversal activation, and tire bursts are possible until the aircraft is completely stopped and safe.
Such incidents could lead to evacuation and improper applause, she said. To some, cheering can seem inappropriate as each landing is the result of a team effort.
Barbara noted that it is also the cabin crew, air traffic controllers and ground staff who make a safe journey possible.
But there's nothing to stop you from praise if you want. The flight attendant added: “Applause or not is a personal choice.”
Experts emphasize the importance of staying safe and adhere to protocols throughout the flight, and remind passengers to maintain patient and understanding until they are fully docked in the terminal.
Experts in other industries agree that applause can be considered poor etiquette.
“When the plane lands, avoid applause as it appears rude to the pilot.
“You can show your appreciation and appreciation at the end of your flight. The pilots and crew are usually waiting at the exit that gives you an opportunity to show your appreciation.”