Travel experts share seven things she “deeply” hoping to do what she knew before visiting the popular romantic cities in Europe.
Raimee uses her online platform to help people “travel smarter and less” with tips she learns after traveling to more than 40 countries. She posted a video in Tiktok sharing the pearls of her wisdom for those visiting Paris – a French city she has visited more than 10 times.
American travel experts have compiled a list of things she needs to know before traveling to Paris after she “hate” her first trip. She began the clip by saying: Now I actually love it after visiting more than 10 times, so here's what you need to know! ”
1. Take the secret entrance to the Louvre
Rymee said: “First: to avoid the crazy lines of the Louvre, I take one of the many secret entrances, not the main pyramid. My favorite is the one that passes through the subway.
“You can take Metro Line 1 or 7 to this stop (Loucalsel de Louvre) and enter the Louvre from the basement.” In her Tiktoc video, she shared photos of maps of various entrances to famous museums, including Porte de Lions, Passage Richelle and the Palais Royal.
2. Choose the right zone for your Metro Card
Travel Pro explained that when he purchased a Metro card to use public transport in Paris, he was asked which zone he wanted to travel, and that “it's likely to be accessing zone 1.” The zone is aimed at central Paris and covers Eiffel Tower, Louvre and Gallery Zlafayette.
3. Be prepared to get a strange look when seeking oats/almond milk
Rimee suggested preparing it when you are in Paris for oat milk or almond milk for your coffee. She added:
“It's become more common for them to have milk alternatives here, but you might find that you're like me and that regular milk doesn't really shake your stomach in Europe.” The media said that eight of the 10 countries with the lowest lactose intolerance rates are European, but the US “under no surprise” made the list because Americans “are unlikely to own the genes that process lactose.”
4. Don't wait side by side with Shakespeare and company bookstores
A Parisian expert said they wouldn't wait to line up Shakespeare and the company's bookstore. She admits it's a “cool bookstore,” but she doesn't think it's worth the wait in the long queue. In the comments section of her Tiktok Post, Rimee shared that the shop was “very crowded” for the last four times, and she doesn't think it's “worthy to be stuffed there.”
Shakespeare and Company are English bookstores in the heart of Paris, and English bookstores behind Notre Dame on the banks of the Seine, and since opening in 1951, they have “been a place of encounters for English-speaking authors and readers, and have become the bank literary institution on the left,” according to their official website.
The bookstore is located in a 17th century building, and staff limits the number of people in the store at once. According to the website, there are occasional lines that enter during busy periods, but “generally move quickly.”
5. Dining at a facility away from the main tourist spots nearby
Rimee's next tip is “Make sure you walk five to ten blocks away from the main tourist spots nearby before sitting down and having a meal somewhere.” She insists that the food will be “better and cheaper.”
6. Have a picnic on the Seine River like locals
Going ahead, Rimey said: Go to the local market, get cheese, cheap wine bottles, baguettes, and just lounge and people watch. ”
Devour has compiled a blog on how to eat like a Parisian local. It is recommended to have an apelo, which is usually “evening bite” with beer or wine.
7. Please visit Eiffel Tower from the second floor
Rimey believes that if you plan to visit the top of Eiffel Tower, “the view from the second level is much better than the view from the third level.” There are three floors where you can visit Eiffel Tower: 1st floor, 2nd floor, top.
Tour Eiffel's website states that the second floor has a lower level and an upper floor where you can “take the most unobstructed views.” Also, at this level you can find the Michelin star restaurant Lejour Verne.
Raimee's Tiktok video has accumulated an astounding 3.6 million views, 296,600 likes and over 700 comments. One user said: “I love these tips! I went to Paris in May. I loved it!”
A person who lives in Paris said, “I have lived in Paris for three years. I have to say, you gave pretty good advice!”
The third user commented: “Great tip! I was very disappointed when we went. I was very excited about it for the rest of my life, but that was disappointing. I'm excited to go back and try again.”