When African leaders gathered at the 38th African Union (AU) Summit, the visa-free continent appeals were central. The AUC and the African Development Bank (AFDB) are jointly urging African governments to accelerate the elimination of visa restrictions that continue to hinder regional integration, trade and economic development.
On February 12, in a high-level strategic dialogue to accelerate visa-free movement for Africa's transformation, AU officials, policymakers and business leaders have been working to address the many regional integration goals of Africa. It highlighted the contradictions between Africans still need a visa to travel. Continent.
“If Africa itself cannot move freely within its continent, it cannot talk about united Africa. It's time for the government to assess what works and what isn't,” Trade , tourism, industry, minerals. Visa restrictions are one of the biggest barriers to intra-African trade, he added.
The Africa Visa Openness Index, a joint initiative by the AFDB and AUC, has consistently shown slow progress in easing travel restrictions despite policy frameworks such as the AU Free Movement Protocol and the Borderless Africa Vision of Agenda 2063. Masu. The ninth edition of the index reveals that while some countries, such as Rwanda, Gambia, Seychelles, Benin and Ghana, have embraced visa-free policies, many others maintain restrictions. Masu.
“The vision of integrated Africa doesn't happen by chance. Bold leadership and collective commitment are needed to dismantle visa barriers,” said Vice President of Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery at AFDB. Nnenna Nwabufo said.
With over 50% of African countries requiring visas for most Africans, limited mobility hinders labor mobility, business and trade, skills and innovation, and delays development.
“If we truly believe in AFCFTA, free movement must be the backbone of integration. As goods do not move themselves, trade facilitation must be tailored to mobility. Rwandan's trade industry said Minister Prudence Sebahiji.
The AU and AFDB have announced the launch of the 2025 Visa Free Roadshow, a campaign designed to gain momentum and accelerate visa liberalization efforts by policymakers, businesses and civil society . The initiative aims to showcase success stories, highlight economic benefits and drive political commitments to break down travel barriers.
As the AU summit progresses, pushing for a visa-free movement is expected to remain an important topic, reminding leaders to align policy commitments with concrete action. The AU's appeal is clear. It moves people and Africa will flourish.
Media enquiries:
Janet Faith Adianbo Ochien | Communications Manager-Agenda 2063 | African Union. ochiengj@africa-union.org betty baisiwa dowuona-hammond |Communication Consultant | Regional Integration Coordination Agency | African Development Bank Group | B.Dowuona-hammond@afdb.org Mr. Innocent Vuga I Communications & Knowledge Management Officer i Jlmp | African Union Committee I vugai@africa-union.org
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