Play video, “Watch: Kemi Badenok was questioned by her citizenship plan,” period 0,4400:44
Article informationauthor, Henry Zeffmanrole, Chief political correspondent
February 6, 2025
The British Conservative Party announces that it will not allow immigration on the di party's occupational visa.
Dis announces the first major policy Kemi Badenoch Go as Tory Leader.
Madam Badenoch Tok says that Dem Go Go Extend Di Period immigrants will be suited to suit them and apply for indefinite leave to remain with DI UK for five to ten years. Na Dis Leave Paving Methods for British Citizenship.
Under her plan, Dem no Go Grant Residency Satustation earns a criminal record for immigrants.
Di Torry leader Tok says he has the right to citizenship and permanent residence.
Labor Minister Angeli Gurtock says, “Afta: A shameful Tory failure of 14 years, no one will seriously do anything.”
An indefinite leave to stay (ILR) gives Pipodi the right to live, work and study in the UK.
Normally, if DEM has been working in the UK for five years, Pesin may apply for an ILR, but if DEM comes to the UK on a specific visa, it will be two or three years.
Currently, PesinFit is applying for UK citizenship and an indefinite leave for 12 months after-after-grantem.
DI conservatives say they assume that immigrants will only fit into the British citizenship After dem get ILR for 15 years. Increase the current waiting period from 1 year to 5.
Bill dem, the Deer Border Patrol, Asylum and Immigration Bill dem hopes the government will adopt Deer by amending debates in Congress next week.
Immigrants are monitoring visas, illegally, and DI.
Dis Na Visa Condition Wey does not have access to public and state-funded welfare.
Some immigrants will be applied to remove DI conditions, with about 2,500 PIPOs being successful in 2021 and 2022, according to the DI Migration Observatory.
Shadow Interior Secretary Chris Philp tells the BBC, “If Pesin Ova has requested benefits for a certain period of time and there is no work, we will not stay.”
e-immigrants argue that under the Di Tory plan, DME is a net contributor to the DI economy to qualify for UK citizenship.
Dis means that the Dia Salary Plus tax contributions were made by Dem Go to prove the high pass cost to Di State.
Badenoch Wey follows BBC Tok.
She argues that Pipo Dey will acquire citizenship through Dis Route and “put a burden on public services.”
“We need to say Pipo Way Day is here. We have no criminal history as a net contributor to Deeknomee.”
She says she believes that Di Policy will reduce the number of Pipo Way Day transitions.
Last year, she soon became a conservative leader, and Badenok says her party bin is “wrong” with immigration during DIA in the government, Way has net movements reach a record high of 906,000 I see it rise.
She assumes that she assumes dey in the number of immigrants, but there is nothing vague.
Wen Tori Pipo asks if he panics due to the growing panic of Nigel Farage Reform UK's growing popularity. .
Badenoch Don Tok says he won't announce a detailed policy for a while, but instead goes to talk about the value.
But she says it makes sense for DI conservatives to set up alternative approaches to immigration.
Dee conservatives plan to submit Di Bill amendments.
Conservative lawmakers worry about the rise of British reforms, wey no dey is easy to immigrant matador.
One of the di na di is one of the reasons Badenok says her guts come out very strongly to so many conservative voters.